Sunday 21 July 2013

Grow Your Blog Audience: Enable 3rd Party Commenting System

I found that my G+ friends could not drop their comments via G+ on my blog when I enabled Disqus a few weeks back so I contacted the Support at Disqus regarding that and their response was:
Hi Jasveena,
To clarify, although users can connect their Google account with their Disqus account, they cannot comment with their Google Plus account at this time. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Brittany - Product Support Disqus 

As a blogger for the past three months, I am keen on updating my blog to be appealing to my readers as well as Search Engines. In order to take blogging into the next level, one should do Search Engine Optimisation to his or her blog. Now many bloggers have great contents on their blog and some even get thousands of visitors a month. It is a sad case if you don't make an effort to learn about blogging further when some people out there are mastering blogging tricks and bringing their blogs on the first page of Google thus being a blogger by profession.

I have always wanted to have my Facebook friends and Twitter followers commenting on my blog. Most of the time, when I have not published any new post, I would still be getting a decent amount of audience on my blog on my popular articles. I know they are not from G+, so they are not able to comment on my blog or like the post. So I enabled Disqus thread on my blogger account. With this, I hope more readers would be engaged on my thoughts via my posts. 

For Disqus to work you should disable G + comment system.  All you should do is to create an account an install the widget via their easy-install method on

I hope this work for you and do let me know if you like the changes on my blog. 

Sunday 14 July 2013

Lessons Learnt 4 Years Away From Home

Running Away From Home

You really thought I ran away from home huh? Kidding. I was away from home to pursue my higher studies and now back HOME. As of June 2013, it has been 4 years I'm away from home, learning to handle life somehow on my own and I think after all these years, I could make a good conclusion on what I have learned so far while running life according to my own instinct. So what lessons did I acquired?

I was attached to a local Technical University after my STPM (which is equivalent to what we all know as A level). I was offered a degree course in Chemical Engineering in June 2009 and now I'm done with it after 4 years. It was indeed the first time away from home and that was when I left my comfort zone to learn life apart from what the books taught me.

I feel those 4 years made me into a different person altogether. I may not have changed very much from the way I look but internally, my thoughts and attitudes have been shaped better. If you are a student who just started off your university life or about to go into your future university or higher education institution, I hope you would start learning life altogether, not just looking into what the books have to say. If you do so, you are losing a part of your valuable life and I certainly feel sorry for students who fail to think out of the education scope. These are the conclusions I could make now after the bitter-sweet ride of 4 years.

1. Screw People Aside
The one complicated thing about anything we deal with everywhere is people. From businesses, politics, family, relationship and friends, everything is a mess because people don't have parallel thoughts with you. I'm not saying you should disregard everyone but there are very little people who are genuinely interested in your well-being. So know who are they and always cherish your relationship with them. Never count on someone who would stab you from the back. I learnt to never really sweat on things happening with people as people come and go in life and all you should know is that you have done good from your part.

2. Keep Your Focus On Your Goals
One thing that keeps your life spicy is having goals in life. These aims are the reason for you to get up and out from your bed. When you have reasonably beneficial goals, you will be focused in life and nothing could distract you from getting what you want. You don't just live a life at college for a piece of paper that tells your boss you qualified exams alone. I felt I should have pursued writing two years back when I created the blog, yes THIS blog, for my English class (Academic Report Writing I think) and I have abandoned it after three months.

3. Time Is Gold
My lessons in life within that 4 years also taught me that I should appreciate time. Procrastinating is not going to lead us anywhere and I think once you have found the purpose of you living, you will regret time wasted and would never want to waste your time anymore. You will be more grounded. Make use of time to gain as much as you can; knowledge, money and experiences. They say life starts at 40, but I'm not 40 yet to comment on that. Nevertheless, I can say that life starts the moment you want it to get started.

4. Jump Out Of Your Comfort Zone
If you are going to be an ordinary student going to class, sitting for exams and passing with flying colours, you will eventually regret your boring schedule. Take a risk. Of course a calculated risk, do what you have always liked doing or ever dreamed of doing before. Go to the gym, keep yourself fit. At the end of a tiring day, a sense of accomplishment would follow and that is the reason for a peaceful sleep and also the reason for you to wake up the next day.

It's your life and you choose how to live it. So live it your way in your own terms and grab success your way. Thank you for reading and it will be so nice to have your say on my posts in the comment section regarding your lessons

Saturday 13 July 2013

Importance of Doing SEO For Blogs

Blogging and SEO

I have been a blogger now for the past four months with almost 10K visits to my site. Regardless of why we blog, we need good traffic to actually promote our writings. A good blogging way would drive quality traffic to your blog. So how do we do this? I have learned some important tips that are worth following all these while and I think SEO plays an important role in ensuring you get a good number of visitors. It is a well-known short form for Search Engine Optimisation. I bet most of you would be using Google as your primary search engine. In order to have your page appearing in the lower Page Rank List (PRL), you need to tweak your blog and articles to some extent. 

1. Keyword Density

Ideally, you should have one keyword that is included in your article title, and appear two to three times only throughout your blog. I chose the keyword which is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimisation as it appears to be having a medium level of search results per month. You can check the priority level of keywords using Google Adwords. When you limit your keyword usage, the search engines crawl better to look up for your articles or blog. 

Google Adwords

2. Page Layout

I just checked for my SEO site checkup results via this page and it says that my page loads slowly as it exceeds the average size of a webpage. An average web page's size is only 33 kb whereas mine is about 200 kb which is pretty high and one way to cut down the size of your page is by using CSS layouts, external style sheets, and moving javascript to external files. I have no idea yet what those stuff mean but I will surely look into it. Apparently, sites with larger sizes discourage people to visit which is pretty true.

3. Blog Article Details 

Make sure your blog article is updated with search descriptions and labels. Ensure you have enabled custom robot tags too. If you have pictures, make sure you add titles to it and always cite the page that you have taken the pictures from. I have learned that words in italic and bold help search engines to locate your articles better but there are other sources saying this is not necessarily true or effective. As you can see, I have highlighted my keyword here in bold to emphasis on SEO

4. Google Analytics

If you have signed up for Google Analytics, you will find interesting stuffs regarding search engine results related to your blog. This is the result of my blog. Check the keywords people use to land on my page. It is pretty interesting. 

Google Analytics

I'll be updating this page with more information from time to time. Stay tuned. 

Thursday 11 July 2013

I'm Shining Bright Like A Star

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I'm kidding. Another blog award by +A Long, a poet who has lovely poems you wouldn't wanna miss. His page can be viewed at this link. He has been a wonderful support to me and fellow authors on Google Plus and I would like to extend my gratitude at this point to him. I hope he would continue to be a support for us.


1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you.

3. State 7 things about yourself

4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

7 Things About Me:

1) I'm unemployed at the moment and I'm loving it. (Okay I don't want it to look so bad on me, guys!! I just graduated and lazing at home for the time being)
2) I have a date with my girlfriend tomorrow and I just remembered!!
3) I have a very strong and bold character 
4) I like to know a little bit of everything
5) Getting interested in business
6) I Love office wears 
7) I act retarded at home ;)

So, next up is the nomination: 

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Congratulations people!! Love ya all!! 

Monday 8 July 2013

Marybeth's Final Journey: Coping With Loss of Loved-Ones to Cancer

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I have been enjoying making video book trailers for authors who are have published their books and about to publish their books. The one thing I'm happy about doing these trailers is the fact that the books are remarkably amazing and the ones I have made so far mostly come from the self-help category. The previous trailer was about a man who survived drug abuse and harsh environments where he was brought up. He chooses to make a book out of his life in the hope that it could someday save a life or change a person into a new leaf. 
This week, I had a great opportunity to work with Ronda Rockwell, a soulful person who wrote the book ''Marybeth's Final Journey". This book is about Ronda's mother who was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer and it tells you how the family handled the difficult situation and embracing the final few weeks left with Marybeth. It was Marybeth's desire to have this book shared with everyone so help families facing similar situations cope with the loss of parents or loved-ones due to cancer and any other illness.

Ronda Rockwell shares with us some of the interesting stuffs about her. 

Describe yourself in five words – Passionate, Compassionate, Loving, Artistic, Sunshine

What fact about yourself would really surprise people? That I have 3 grandsons already

How do you work through self-doubts and fear?  With “I can do or overcome anything” attitude

What scares you the most? heights

What makes you happiest? My husband and family

Why do you write? To share experiences and because I love writing

Have you always enjoyed writing?  yes

What motivates you to write? Feelings of experiences, to help others and to share

What writing are you most proud of? .Marybeth’s Final Journey- for my Mama

What are you most proud of in your personal life? Choosing to change my life at 39. I needed happiness for myself, my kids and my mom (she lived with me). I chose to divorce after 17 years and now I am married to my soul mate Ron.

What books did you love growing up? All types. Non-fiction, fiction, suspenseful, self help

What do you hope your obituary will say about you? Ronda was a wonderful wife, mom, Nana and philanthropist. She changed lives for the better.

Location and life experiences can really influence writing, tell us where you grew up and where you now live? I grew up in San Diego, Ca. As a teen I lived in Pacific Beach, moved to Ocean Beach as an adult.  I moved away from San Diego a couple times and returned to my home city. There is no place so beautiful and full of different cultures and people.

How did you develop your writing? I wrote since I was in school. I wrote in journals. I have always wrote poetry as well.

What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing? Hmmm, I became an indie publisher, writing comes with ease, I will say marketing. It’s not just writing the book and getting published. It’s how you market yourself to get the book out there.

 What marketing works for you? Word of mouth, internet, and soon a book tour

 Do you find it hard to share your work? No.

 Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you? Oh yes they are!

 What else do you do, other than write? Photography, a variety of art mediums, I currently work as a Contract Administrator for a large firm.

 What other jobs have you had in your life? Cashier, Store window decorator, Property Manager, Project Coordinator, Relationship Consultant and Project Administrator

 If you could study any subject at university what would you pick? Nuclear Medicine

 If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? San Diego

Tell us about your family? I have a wonderful family, three children, three grandchildren, my husband Ron, brothers, sisters, Auntie M, Uncle J and many nieces and nephews

How do you write – lap top, pen, paper, in bed, at a desk? Laptop, sometimes anywhere and on anything if I have an idea.

How much sleep do you need to be your best? 5 hours.

Is there anyone you’d like to acknowledge and thank for their support? Heather Hudson for the encouragement to share my mom’s story

Every writer has their own idea of what a successful career in writing is, what does success in writing look like to you? The best selling author…

Tell us about your new book? Why did you write it?  It is a heart-touching final journey of one family, mine, as my sweet mom Marybeth was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The story will walk you through what we experienced in our love, laughter, acceptance, spiritual awakening.

If you could have a dinner party and invite anyone dead or alive, who would you ask? Leonardo da Vinci, he was not just an artist, he was brilliant.

When you are not writing, how do you like to relax? Go to the beach

What do you hope people will take away from your writing? How will your words make them feel? I hope with this book, Marybeth’s Final Journey, that the readers feel transported into the story and that some of our experiences will be helpful insights into their own lives or with their own loved ones’ illness.

It was a pleasure working with Ronda and learning about her book that is very soon to be available in online bookstores. I am looking forward to reading this and it was an honour to interview Ronda. I have encouraged her to be a part of the Support-a-Writer community and hopefully, we could see her around soon. 

Ronda can be reached at:

Facebook – Ronda Rockwell Publishing Fan Page

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Friday 5 July 2013

Super Sweet? Who, Me?

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Maybe I am sweet but no, it's not actually me but my blog!


+Vashti Q-Vega , you are so sweet to pass on the sweet blogging award to me. Thank you very much. Vashti is a fiction writer who wrote The Basement and I'm so thrilled to have her as a good friend over here on Google +. Her support for all writers never wanes off and she definitely deserves this award for that quality together with her writing skills. Congratulations love!

Super Sweet Blogging Award

The Rules:
Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that awarded you.
Answer five Super Sweet questions.
Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award image in your blog post.
Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.
Notify your nominees on their blog.
The Five Super Sweet Questions:
1. Cookies or Cake?
 Sorry I'm a little indecisive here. I love both. :P
2. Favorite Sweet Treat? 
Chocolates. Dark chocolates !!!
3. Sweet Nick Name? 
Mol (This is how Malayalee families call their daughters anyway. So, it is quite common for us)
4. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Okay, I love everything someone does out of their heart. But one thing I love most is the handmade stuffs/cards I used to receive from my schoolmates in Convent. I love receiving stuffs by post and collecting them from the postman. 
5. What is your sweetest memory? Making my parents proud
Now drum rolls, please !! :) The nominees are: 
Oh, I nominate all of your wonderful people reading this. Screw the nomination limits. Break the rule :)
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Save Your Reading Lists, Import Your Google Reader !

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Do you know the Google Reader is closing down very soon? What impact does it have on you? If you are using Blogger and you have saved your favourite blog lists or followed blogs you love reading on Blogger via Friend Connect, you will not be able to get those updates on your blog home page anymore. That is from 15th July, about ten days from now.

I have just saved imported all my reading lists from Blogger to two other RSS readers, The Old Reader and the widely used top Google Reader alternative, Feedly

I will show you how to import your lists within ten minutes and never worry about losing your reading lists anymore. 

1. Download Data From Google Reader

Click on the Google Takeout

When you have arrived to the homepage, you will see a clickable link on Google Takeout. This will allow you to download all data on your blog and save it into your computer. 

Once you click on the link, it will bring you to this page where you can choose what to save on your computer. The reader is already on the list to download from the picture on the left, to add another service, click on the 'add another service' below and click on the 'create archive' red link. 

As you can see, I have downloaded my blog posts and reader lists. You can select as many services you want to download. Once you have chosen your download lists, click on 'download' and instantly your file will be downloaded. Mine was downloaded via Winzip file.

2. Importing Data

When you open the downloaded file, you will see different folders in it containing respective services' documents. Open Reader's folder and you will see an XML document right at the end of the list. You may want to copy paste this document into your desktop to ease the uploading process next. 

All you have to do now is to go to Feedly Reader's webpage and signup. I signed up using Google + and it's so easy. You will see an option to import your own reading lists and all you have to do is to choose the XML document and import. You can see all your lists appearing very soon. 

Mine looks like this from the new RSS feed. Good luck in trying and don't be late. You have ten days from now. 

What do you think about this post? I welcome your thoughts and views!

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