Monday 10 June 2013

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Everything about book promotion/review/trailers@video and extensive comments on forum/websites - Page 1 | Fiverr Forum

Shame by Jasvinder Sanghera

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During the book sale by Big Bad Wolf, I managed to grab Shame for RM 8 the moment my eyes caught this book. While I took hours to shop for books going for sale at a ridiculously cheap price, I never hesitated or had a second thought to make up my mind on this one! I have seen this book a few years back when I visited a close friend's house where they had this book and I had an opportunity to flip through the book. I loved the theme the author was discussing in this book instantly and the image of the book cover got imprinted on my mind. 

So, when I saw this book selling at RM 8, I just couldn't resist. I bought it and I'm glad for the fact that I grabbed the chance to read this book. I am now in the very beginning stage of the book where the story unfolds about Jasvinder being forced to marry someone she barely knew at the age of 14. She flees away from home with the boy of her choice, who is from the lower caste, and Jasvinder was subjected to her family's curse. She was finally disowned by her family. I just couldn't believe how someone can be so mean to their own child who has chosen her own path of life and most importantly how strong beliefs and cultural restrictions could be so detrimental to society. 

I did some background study and found that Jasvinder is now an activist advocating women's rights especially those who are subjected to forced marriage. She is also the co-founder of Karma Nirvana. I am looking forward to reading her terrifying true story further as the story develops and reveals what happens next especially the family's reaction knowing that she is now someone successful. 

I have read the book. By the time I finish Chapter 1, I was getting chocked up with the extreme hostility in Jas' house. By the end of Chapter 2, I was completely hating the mother.

Shame has traveled from her little word in Derby to every corner of the world where this book made its debut. It is not about Jasvinder's embarrassment, it is about her family's! And about how the culture has made its people look ugly in the eye of a stranger. I believe, you, the one reading this, would feel so lucky being born and raised in a different culture. I could relate to her story so much because I have seen people living life such a way.

Jas' story would make your heart skip a beat, make you want to cry, and feel so bad deep inside for what has happened to her. Above all, Shame will open your eyes to the horror in some women's world. Jas' story has moved me so much and I feel like living in her shoes and experiencing her life which seems so real.

Read it!! It will change your perspective on cultures and people.

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Thursday 6 June 2013

Why Women Were The Reason Behind Their Own Downfall?

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Hello readers, I have started work on my first book, a non-fiction research collection on women's lives around the globe. I would like to thank +Sheikh Javed Ali Sindhi here for his generosity in guiding me with extensive issues related to honour killing in Pakistan and I am truly thankful for the encouragement I get from all the other Google + readers and writers! 

In regards to the project, I'm working on and as an extension to 3 Things That Accelerates Sexual Assault post, I think there were a few notable reasons why women were the reason for their own downfall, knowingly and unknowingly, which could should be rectified in order to change the way they get treated by the society as a whole.

Egyptian women in Tahrir Square take part in the anti-government protests last month that led to the downfall of Hosni Mubarak. Photograph: Pedro Ugarte/AFP/Getty Images 
Photo grabbed here

1. Blind Acceptance To Traditions and Cultures

Ladies all around the world have been abiding by rules and regulations set up by their societies which are often dominated by males. They were blindly taught to accept the norms of the society without being able to question the rationale behind the dos and donts. This is true for womenfolk who lived in the 19th century as they are completely estranged from proper education that would give them a sense of empowerment to fight against injustice. 

But to think that it has taken so long for them to come forward and fight against little things in their daily lives that signals gender discrimination is indeed saddening. Ladies have access to education and in fact, we have had world-class female leaders all around the world even during the era where photographs were still in black and white. What took them to break open the ignorance and speak for the betterment of their own kind? This is one of the issues needed to be tackled in order to foster changes in their lives.

Question things that don't seem logical. Never accept something just because that is the way things were in the past. Think for yourselves if the society is doing good for you and question the justice when you feel being discriminated for being a lady.

2. Degrading Their Own Kind

Have you seen ladies who blame another woman for her mistake that she may not even have committed? Have you heard of them accusing each other, tarnishing images to the extreme level in front of men? This seems to have been one of the most contagious habits among ladies that is very discouraging and suicidal. Why? Because this attitude creates a big loophole for the other gender to use the weakness and control women better. There is no sense of togetherness among womenfolk and this is why they are prone to fights and arguments more often than men. 

Why discourage one another and be foes for the rest of your lives? Wake up, open your eyes wide, look at the opportunity that lies ahead of you to make a strong network among your own kind. Stop degrading another lady. That is equivalent to degrading yourself! 

3. Accepting ''Men are Men'' Mentality

Men are men, they are born to be aggressive, they could do whatever they want and women have to uphold modesty and respect men all the time. Men are men, they will take advantage of women and it is completely natural thus the responsibility lies solely on women to protect themselves. 

I'm pretty sure you have heard of these famous lines uttered by people from the past generation. I don't think the blame goes completely on the other sex as ladies knew this is not supposed to happen to them and it is completely unfair but they have remained accepting things as they are. How many of you actually have trashed your male friend for their sexist remarks or stood up against discriminative gestures signalled by men at your workplace? 

Insecurities place a big role in being the major hindrance to women's coward nature as they are again told that they would be in trouble questioning such issues in public or raising their voice to demand justifications. As of today, only a small portion of women are actually going against these atrocities and that is definitely not enough to combat gender inequality at our place. 

My post on The Male Chauvinist is the display picture for one of the gigs I offer on Fiverr and were discriminated by someone in the forum suggesting that I'm a terrible hardcore feminist. I did lay my rebuttals for his baseless attacks. All I got in return was more support and an additional new order. I think it's about time women stop being the reason for their own downfall.

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Wednesday 5 June 2013

Featured Interview: Adrianna Joleigh

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Hello readers! If you are on my page reading this or perhaps you are one of the 35 lovely people out there following my blog right now, I would want to let you know something about my writing journey and how it has actually grown and developed into what it is right now. If you think my writing is making an impact and you are impressed with it, you should also know the people behind the person I am now. 

Writing requires perseverance! Writing in a language that isn't your first language can be painful at times and reaching out to readers from the English speaking world is another big challenge. Without the support of lovely writers, I met through Google + I would have given up writing by now. One such lovely soul is +Adrianna Joleigh !!! And she is also the reason why I decided to write a book! She is the ultimate support behind the project I have started featuring lives of women in different parts of the world, a non-fiction collection! She is an incredibly talented writer who will leave you amazed with her poems greatly intertwined with emotions! 

Adrianna, I'm happy to have found you in Google + and I'm really so proud of the achievements we all made so far! This exclusive interview is for you! Cheers!!

Where are you from? I am from a breathtaking city called Ã…rhus, in Denmark.

Why do you write? I write to release any built-up frustration I have. It’s my punching bag. If I feel an overwhelming emotion then I use it to create.

What do you write about? I write about fears, my reality, and battles that we often face but are too embarrassed to admit them.

Do you have a specific writing style? I’ve been told that I have a unique writing style, but I have no earthly (or universal) clue what they are referring to. I write the story as I see it in my head. I have a vivid imagination so maybe that helps a bit but I’m not sure what sort of ‘style’ I have. Maybe someone can elaborate on what they refer to when they say that. I’d like to know so I can answer these questions proficiently lol.

What are the obstacles that come in the way of writing? I’m a full-time mother to twins. They are my life entirely and such a joy to be around. I do crave to write often, every second of the day, but the twins need me much more than my stories. Finding the time to write has its obstacles but no doubt, they are wonderful obstacles.

What’s the most memorable thing asked/said by a reader about your work? The first time I turned my Oh-so-raw rough draft in to my editor he mentioned that I had a lot to learn, but I had raw talent. And another said that I had the ability to grab the emotions in a reader and manipulate it, causing them to feel what I felt when I wrote it. I’m not sure if they were just being nice or serious haha but I’ll never forget what they said.

How long have you been writing? I’ve been writing non-stop since September of 2012. I’ve written off and on in the past but never had the knowledge or interest to finish them.

When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer? I’d have to say it was this past September. I remember going through some tough times with my emotions and I went to my computer in desperation. I had to write down what I was feeling so that I could breathe. Well, one paragraph led to a page and a page into many pages and before I knew it I had a lot to say. Of course, this was a diary of mine. I reread through it and saw 1 paragraph that stuck in my mind. It was about when I was a child and the sound of footsteps walking to my room at night, and how afraid I was because I never could tell what was going to happen next. Once I read that paragraph I had an epiphany, I should write a book. If I’m going to write in my diary why not write a book? And thus came Nadia. Don’t get me wrong. Nadia isn’t about me, but if you were to dig deep into the symbolisms and really see the big picture behind it all, you’d see it also contains a diary of some sorts. The craving to write hit me then and I never and still do not rest until I write down everything I imagine.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? I would say my quirk would be how I write. I write fast and to the point the first go round, the skeleton so-to-speak. Then after I’m done with that I go back and add the muscles to the story, and once I’m finished with that I add the meat. Finally, I finish it with touchups and rewording to make it flow better. It sounds like a long process, and would be to someone trying it for the first time, but it’s how my brain works and I can’t function in any other manner.

How long does it take to write a book? (if you've written one -published or non) I’ve not finished Nadia yet. However, I can guess that it will probably take me a year to write it and get it ready for an agent to view. I would finish already if I had all day and night to write, but I share my time with my babies and they come first, of course. I can easily write a chapter in an hour if I was allowed a solid hour. That would be nice.

Do you have suggestions on how to become a better writer? I’m not sure I’m a person to ask about this. I’m in no way a great writer. I can tell you the advice from other writers and that is to read. Read a lot. I have my debates on that idea actually but I do, in all, agree with them.

What challenges do you come across when writing/creating your story? Sometimes my character argues with me. I want to go into the next room in the story and she tells me no. Unruly characters are ruthless sometimes.

What do you think makes a good story?
A convincing, relatable antagonist. A villain that is unique but with qualities that are real enough that I can relate them with a villain I have in my own life. It makes it a bit more personal that way and takes me along with the writer’s imagination.  A good conflict too.
Unpredictability. I don’t like knowing what is going to happen before it happens. I’d rather be blown away at the end. Too many clues along the way ruin the story. Like the story ‘’Book of Eli.’’ Through the entire story it took you on an emotional, thrilling, violent, and horrific ride about this man’s journey to protect something priceless, and then at the end BAM! It all falls together and what you thought was, really wasn’t. And after the puzzle pieces all came together I was in awe. I wanted to see it again. That’s what a great book, in my opinion, is about. Unexpected events and outcomes. A journey through a parallel tale that captivates us entirely to the point that we don’t know that we are reading words. But instead, we are living the life the author has laid before us. Nothing quite like it, I must say. The greatest stories ever written have to be read repeatedly to grasp the full effect of what the author is really trying to convey.

What does your family think of your writing? Some don’t know that I’m writing. I’ve shared writing with them before and I was laughed at. Not the pointing and laughing but I felt I wasn’t taken seriously and all they could do was pick at the names of my characters and the storyline, saying how it sounded silly. So, I never mentioned it to them again. My mother is now proud of me. At first she thought it was rather unimportant but now that I write for an online magazine and am published she is seeing that this is something I dream of doing.

When did you first consider yourself a writer? The moment I realized that it’s everything that I am. It’s all I think about. I thrive off of the next idea. I live in my own fantasies. I’ve always been a writer, I just never knew it, until once I began writing a few months ago it began to consume me.  You are what you dream to accomplish, and therefore I’m a writer.

Do you see writing as a career? I definitely do. I’ve had publicists contact me in the past week alone wanting to know more about Nadia and when I’ll be finished with the book. I definitely see the potential of making it far. I just need to focus and see it through. Keep the momentum going and not back down.

Do you have anything specific you'd like to tell the readers? If you want to become a writer/editor/publicist, etc, by all means, dream it. Dream it through your veins. Let it fill your lungs and invades your mind entirely. Those dreams are yours. No one else’s. Be proud of what you accomplish and never degrade your efforts by allowing others to bring you down. Writing is a lifetime of opportunity. To create is only a talent you can possess. And the ability to conquer lies within your hands and imagination.

She can be reached at her page

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Friday 31 May 2013

My Interview By Adrianna Joleigh

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Last week, my lovely friend +Adrianna Joleigh interviewed me on her blog! I was so flattered with the post and her kindness to interview me who is obviously no where as compared to the other writers! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the beautiful soul, Adrianna for her her excellent work in getting feedback from writers and readers all around the world.

Adrianna, I feel writers could get to know their readers better in that sense and this would boost writer-reader relationship further! I appreciate your effort taken to go from one person to another and getting their perception on the writing and reading world! May God bless you! And of course, good luck with your book too!

My interview by Adrianna Joleigh can be found in this link here

Thank you all my readers for the encouragement too and I would like to say I enjoy your feedback the most! Thank you!

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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Featured Interview: Michael Wash

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Extensive Interview With Michael Wash: The Author of Book from 54 Series

Mike Wash is a highly responsive consultant who has worked in various challenging and complex situation. He has wide exposures on organisation dealing with mental-health being a psychiatric nurse who is now a personal development consultant. He is currently the Director of the Retreat Hospital in York. 

Michael Wash has been writing extensively on self-help book under the series of 54 self-help books. One of his latest books is 54 Simple Truths: How to Face the Challenges of Life.Through personal grief and illness to happiness and health. Mike shares his experience in a way that gives the readers clear direction and hope for a better life.

I had an opportunity last week to work with Mike on making him a book trailer for his latest collection in the 54 series of self-help books and I'm feeling honoured to have his exclusive interview up here on my blog. A few things with great insights about him that reveals more about the birth of the books and as well as the author itself. 

Mike Wash

Who is Mike Wash and why does he writes?

Me: What are the clubs, alumni groups, school, social, religious, or business organizations to which you are affiliated?

Wash: Current job and title: Director of the Retreat HospitalYork,   Mental health Act Advisor/manager for Leeds and York Partnership Health Trust, and School governor for a local Primary School.

Me: If applicable, would you like us to use any personal background about you such as hobbies, race, religious, medical conditions, marital status, family, etc. that may help audiences be more interested in you and your book?

Wash: At the age of fifteen, after spending eighteen months in a Catholic school, training for a life of a religious teacher as a De La Salle brother, I decided to come home and face the realities of a different type of family life. The desire within me to help others was still strong, and on the eve of me leaving to do voluntary services overseas at the age of seventeen, an opportunity to join the school of psychiatry as a student nurse was too much of a coincidence to ignore.

Those first few years working in a large mental institution in the early 1970s, wiped out any sense of remaining naivety or innocence I had about the capability of the human mind to destroy itself and others. My path was set, but I was unhappy to be constrained by ‘institutional walls,’ so after psychiatry, I trained as a general nurse, then as a tutor – and in my private practice, qualified as a counsellor and psychotherapist.

The constraining nature of the ‘health’ profession was still too much, so I decided to explore alternative career options. My horizon changed significantly when after writing a paper proposing that most senior managers suffer from organisational psychoses or neurosis, I was offered a job in a large telecommunications company. Here, I introduced counselling as a legitimate form of support for the business and the value of developing a supportive, ‘facilitative change management’ style of leadership. My premise was that large organisations damage your health – and it doesn’t have to be that way.

The irony was that during this time, I battled for six months against cancer, which created a greater strength and determination in me to carry on the path of ‘healing,’ whether in the context of work or family life. During these very formative years, I also experienced the tragic death of my mother. Following an accident, she was left in a coma for several years. Also, my little sister fell ill and endured years of kidney dialysis before dyeing aged 25 from  hepatitis and kidney failure. As a trained nurse I was able to support her on home dialysis for several years.

I was married young, and one of the proudest moments of my life was witnessing the birth of my twin sons. The strain of tragedy, illness, and personal change was too much for my marriage, and divorce eventually cut the chains – enabling us both to be free and to find new happiness.

I have been running my own business for the past twenty years and feel very privileged to have worked with people and organisations passionate about wanting to change and discover their true potential. I am very happy, married to Mave, and enjoying my grandfather status and the attention of my sons and stepchildren. 

Me: Describe yourself briefly

Wash: Outgoing,relaxed,social,fun,caring,helpful

Me: What goals are most important to YOU as it relates to the publication and promotion of your book? Rate each one 1=low priority; 10=highest

 _ 4__   Make money by selling books
__3___ Become known as an author
_  10_   Provide a service/educate to the public
_  8___ Raise awareness to a worthy cause
__5___ Entertain/inform readers with a “good book”
__1___ Attract an agent
__0__   Sell rights to a movie
__6___ Find another publisher
__0__   Become a full time author
__7___ Build credibility/become known as an expert in an area
__1__   Attract new clients to a business (if applicable)

Me: What are your professional credentials and any lifestyle credentials that make you particularly well qualified to write this book? 

Wash: Trained as a Psychiatric nurse, general nurse, clinical nurse teacher and then nurse tutor., Also trained as a counselor and therapist, Author of a best selling text book on Psychiatric Nursing in the 1980s/90s. Author of the 54 series of Books – these are:

54 Tools and Techniques for Business Excellence
54 Ways to manage Change at Work
54 Approaches to Organizational Healing
54 Steps to Happiness
5 + 4 = Sweet Dreams – Bed time stories for children

Me: What drives you to write the book:

Wash: I have personally experienced many of the challenges and dilemmas and I wanted to share my experience in a way that gives readers clear direction and hope for a better lifeI wanted to give people the opportunity to access simple and important messages that could help them lead healthier and happier lives.
I felt there was a gap in the market for a book that pulled all the principles together and communicated to everyone in terms they could relate to.

Me: What are your FIVE key messages or talking points in your book? 

Be mindful of the choices you make in life and think through the consequences. People forget to breath and question themselves about what are they doing right now and what impact are they making on others and themselves – just pausing and reflecting on this may help the contribution or behavior be more effective and healthier.

You can choose to be happy or sad – be aware of why you make certain choices and what this gives you. Its very difficult to walk bare footed on warm sand on a sunny day with the sea lapping around your feet looking upwards and to be sad and depressed at the same time. Our behavior and choices we make can dictate the mood we find ourselves in. We can choose to shift our mood by doing things differently, going somewhere differently and being with positive happy people rather than being alone.

You will be faced with a challenge in life that will test your resolve to survive – you will survive and the quality of life thereafter will depend on the choices you make. Loosing a loved one. your home or faced with a terminal illness are examples of things that may test your resolve to survive – by finding meaning to these events people move on often as stronger and more capable human beings able to reach out and help others.

We are but a speck in this universe and connected to everything and everyone – this has responsibilities if we choose to accept are place in this community Understanding our relationship to this world we live in may help us live together in a more accepting way – we are all from the same gene pool and we are all human – we are brothers and sisters from the same family – lets take care of each other.

The best things in life are freely available to us right now. Extract from the book;
Each of us has our own list of the best things in life, and most of these will be free. For me, they revolve around these seven wonders of the world:

1. Love. The ultimate expression of acceptance, care, and respect of another person.

2. Giving. To truly give without expectation of return and to give back something of yourself within this world.

3. Receiving. To accept with graciousness and humility that which comes your way – especially love.

4. Forgiving. Recognising that the alternative is a heavy burden to carry, yet forgiveness can free you, and others, to a better life.

5. Listening. Listening from the heart and really appreciating what you hear.

6. Seeing. Seeing the beauty and miracle in all things.

7. Touching. To touch and be touched. Sense the connection, and be in contact with others in this world.

Me: What one thing do you want readers to learn/take away from this work?

Wash: Happiness and health is in your hands – its your choice.

Me: Who does the book appeal to and why?

Wash: Anyone who may have a question about their life at the moment? It maybe about relationships,work,love,decision,direction,moods,stress,health – anything – then its likely some chapter in this book will be of relevance.

Me: Are you or your book on social networking sites? Do you have any official websites? 

Wash: The book is linked to my interactive website forum – it encourages debate and discussion around the simple truths and offers support and further resources – it is

I also have a Facebook page

and twitter

and blog

Me: So, lastly, what are some of your future goals? 

Wash: To sell a million copies of this book worldwide – realistically perhaps 1000 this year?
To continue contributing to a personal network of self-help and care?
To find employment where my experience can be put to good use.
To keep fit.

I would like to thank Michael Wash for his mind-blowing interview where he chooses to share with us some of the extensive insights on his life and book and how both the elements are closely interconnected. Do drop a visit to his page and to hear his interview on BBC please direct yourself to this page:

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Sunday 19 May 2013

Job Ethics

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Promotion? A word that is quite related to business. So we all promote our stuffs. When I do this post I share it on G+ and that's called promotion. We promote books too and our ideas, a way of exchanging ideas. All that is fine. But. I have recently stumbled upon some ugly, dirty tactics used in the promotion of certain products. I had an offer to review drugs/medicines on their webpage. I quickly turned the offer down and I was terribly troubled with fact that people do so much just for the sake of money. What about your conscience? What does it say?

While we are all in the rush to make money, our principles we uphold are often tested. As greed takes over moral values, people change their mind fast to accept jobs that hurt their values badly. Why job ethic is so important for us?

1. Sense of Fulfilment

Any job we do should be able to give us a sense of self-accomplishment and fulfilment. People get bored with their work very often as they do not enjoy what they do or are forced to do something beyond their liking. I believe one should strongly hold on to his/her values when it comes to jobs as what matters at the end of the day is not the amount of money that goes into the bank account but the sense of accomplishment that is achieved. Someone who refuses 'unclean' jobs gets a peaceful sleep.

2. Money Isn't Everything

Money obtained the right way stays with you forever. There is no point chasing after money when happiness doesn't follow it. I chose to decline the offer as I feel I would feel guilty promoting medicines that I don't use. That review could be read by many and maybe one or two would end up buying and suffer the side effects of it. I wouldn't want to be earning at the expense of someone's health.

3. Social Responsibility

While we advocate for human and consumer rights, I think the responsibility lies on us too to do the right thing by practising social justice. It doesn't grant us any rights to speak on justice when we don't do good for the public. This counts the job we do too and the ethics that have to be followed. The world will only be a better place to live in when we start doing good in our daily lives and that certainly includes our work that is pretty much the daily routine! There is no point harvesting money by neglecting social responsibility and trying to make up for the sins by doing 'charity' work just for the sake of making up a good name for your company and to get some discounts on your taxes! 

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