Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Thanking YOU, Yes, You All My Awesome 40 Followers!

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If you are reading this, chances are you found this post on Blogger's blog post updates on your dashboard, from your WordPress or from Google + updates, which all indicate that you are following me hence you see the updates of my blogging world. 

Thank You So Much
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I had the idea of making this post on my mind which I thought could be done a few days later when my exam is over. But as soon as I logged into my Blogger today and saw that I have a few more awesome people following my blog, I decided to pen my thoughts right away. This post is dedicated to all of you who have shown interest in my writing and encouraged me to write endlessly. Not forgetting my author and writer friends on Google + as well. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

I would like to express my gratitude for Adrianna Joleigh's endless motivation, who saw a writer in me and encouraged me to write, turning me to a writer from merely a blogger. I would also love to take this opportunity remembering the super-awesome Vashti Q Vega who has been a sweet lady encouraging my writing on all social media platforms. I remember her adding me on Twitter, my FB fan page, and everywhere else and she is just so adorable. Alana Munro for the supportive nature towards all writers in general through Support-a-Writer Page on Google + community. Glen Perkins for his wonderful support from the early days I started writing blog posts. 

For all of you who have been reading my posts or who have just joined my page, I would love to bring you to the point where the writing track has begun. I have been writing for the past three months now without fail. I remember starting this blog of mine when I needed to break free from life's devastation. I knew I already had a Blogspot account where I was writing on a different blog earlier. I barely had ten posts over there and my inspiration waned off so quickly that I stopped writing. 

Making use of the platform that has always been there, I started to exploit Google + and all other social media to get myself connected to all possible writers. The support was instantaneous and overwhelming. I write to make an impact. My writings are quite blunt at times and thought-provoking. I would love to make a change if not to the world, at least to my readers and society. My posts are mainly on controversial issues and social issues that are worth highlighting and bringing to YOUR attention. Writing for a good cause I would say in a nutshell. 

I have received some critiques, both positive and negative which are very useful in building my writing journey. I am working on non-fiction research which will be made into a book. It features the lives of women all around the globe, unfolding the ugly truths and revealing different faces of gender discrimination. The research would be made into blog posts too in order to get feedback from all of you, my valuable readers. Thank you so much!

What do you think about this post? I welcome your thoughts and views!

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