Thursday, 21 March 2013

Rape: A Global Crime ?

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An Evergreen Topic!

           This post has been delayed a little bit. But, it's never late to post this now. Why? Cause I believe when I'm up late at this hour to write on something that has been awfully bothering me, someone out there somewhere is being a victim of animals for their insane sexual drive! That's pretty creepy, isn't it? 
              I was thinking that rape has been a part of the crimes in the East the most, places where women are still considered inferior to men. Steubenville has proven it wrong! That makes the situation even everywhere! Perhaps, are women really the weaker sex? Maybe yes, cause so many things have advanced but women are still complaining about gender discrimination and sexual abuse which don't seem to get any better over the years! Women's organization, Women's Day and so much more for women but nothing is helping much! 

             I feel rape will only stop when certain things really change and those changes are being enforced! It's not just about campaigns! Three things to make the lives of women less scary!

1) Heavy Penalty on Rapist

     Those who rape and subject women to sexual harassment should be heavily charged! I think labeling them as the rapist is not something inhumane. In fact, that's what they deserve. When people identify him as a rapist, that will be a life-long reminder to him for committing a sin that can never be forgiven. Why bother pitying the men when he has in fact did a lot of damage to the girl's life physically and emotionally. Isn't that very much intense compared to what he has to go through? People should seriously stop acting lame and stop seeking so-called justice in this issue. It is never justified to be only considering the future of the man while neglecting the condition of the victim. 

2) Change The Way of Upbringing Boys

       Stop telling your children that men as superior to women, men are the head of the family, women who wear a bikini top is a slut, and so on! You may not tell them directly, but what you tell your friends and how you react towards things will indirectly send them a message of what you think. Teach them about consent when it comes to sex. Sexual education alone is not sufficient. Explain to them about the importance of respecting women and their body, relationship, love and the emotional aspect of sex has towards men and women. Make your boys know the worth of love and love-making!

Is Rape A Global Crime?

3) Make Your Girls Sensible and Independent 

      Steubenville's incident involves boys who are soccer players, who are seen as charming heroes and macho men! Change this perception in your girls' minds. Let them know that someone who plays guitar and soccer can't be a super-hero and there is nothing to be charmed about it. Educate them to be more mature in identifying the manly-traits in the person they like! Tell them not to settle for someone whom they don't deserve to be. Let them know it's essential to wait for the right one and having no boyfriend isn't a crime and she doesn't have to feel left out! Being with the wrong one is worse than being alone. Teach them to keep themselves expensive!     

What do you think about this post? I welcome your thoughts and views!

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     I would definitely let my kids know about these! How about you?

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