Thursday 7 March 2019

How The Universe Kicked My Butt

A picture from my solo trip
A picture from my solo trip

How the universe kicked my butt
My lecturer called me one fine day, saying that he is seeing many fresh graduates posting on LinkedIn about their difficulties in finding jobs and how some companies are bias when selecting candidates and even when they are all qualified, they have to wait for jobs and for that one chance to break through a career. 
He called me and said the posts on LinkedIn inspired him to come up with ideas to write a book for fresh graduates entitled The Sin of A Fresh Graduate. 
He said he knows my passion for books and writing and thus wants me to write two chapters for the book. 
I'm already into the book and publishing industry but I never wrote a book before this although I have a plan to write one. It's my dream to have my existing book business go big.
Little did I know that this is how the universe conspires to kick my butt and get me doing what I wanted to do.
I wrote the two chapters, and the gist of the chapters is basically encouraging graduates to think out of the box and explore all possibilities including entrepreneurship.
Now, writing the chapters has forced me to walk the talk. It has encouraged me to dive into entrepreneurship again now that I'm free from depression, and I have to make sure that the book is going to be a best seller because I'm in the industry already and I need to be successful to run a successful business.
It's just amazing how the universe conspires to force you and kick you in the butt to make sure you become what you preach.

Sunday 3 February 2019

Juggling Depression and Presence of Mind

Are you busy or productive?
Are you busy or productive?

What did you do today? Will they bring you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? #reflection

We all change, grow and evolve every single day. I made my mind that in 2019, I want to make some important life-changing decisions. However, until one month ago, I was unsure if I have all it takes to plunge into the uncertainties I would have to face as consequences to my decisions.

As time passes, and as I took time off for myself during my birthday trip, I learned to listen to myself, my instinct and my soul. What seemed to be blurry had begun to clear up.

I've gained the ability to train my mind to align with the soul and body. There are lesser depressed moments; as I was affected by depression not so long ago. I have reduced the times I need people's opinions or advices as I have started to use my instincts as the compass.

I've learned to chart my goals and visions; and relate them to the work I do everyday to actualise them.

What are your goals for 2019? Where are you now in attaining them?

My goals are financially freedom and happiness.


I welcome your thoughts and views ! :D Thank you for your feedback