Tuesday 23 April 2013

How To Network With Your Blog

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I have gone frenzy with blogs and blogging networks that I have just joined more than five blogging network online available. I could hardly remember what and where I have signed up for but today I really found some interesting things to find bloggers of similar interest with you, where you can grow your blog and advertise it too. I'll have a hard time recalling the web pages and perhaps I should jot it down as a self-reminder! I'll be back to discuss it.

Back! I have a few pages that I found could help to promote oneself as a writer and to share more with fellow bloggers and writers.

1. Glipho
Glipho is an exciting page that extracts your articles on Blogspot and WordPress to be displayed on your glipho homepage. One of the advantages here is that it links your article to many other networks and you can easily have your page on Pinterest and Twitter. So this is like all in all page. On top of that, you article is open to discussion and feedback so that's an added reward for joining glipho. Here is the link to my glipho

2. Networkedblogs
One of the remarkable criteria of networkblog is that it links your article directly to your own blogger or WordPress page. This means your page will get more traffic as your readers grow. This page also allows auto-publishing to your various other social networks. It saves your time publishing your work on different pages. Here is how NetworkBlog page looks like.

3. Blogher
Blogher is a platform to showcase your work on issues related to women. It's a large social and blogging network for women in general which will give you an opportunity to be recognized as a writer. This page brings news all over the world pertaining to social issues on women, therefore it expands your social circle. Here is how BlogHer page looks like.

4. About Me
About.Me is an awesome page that tells things about you. You can attach a short bio of yourself, view and review your friend's page, add a link of this page to your e-mail, and most importantly this page allows you to link all your social media accounts on your profile. It auto-updates your blogs and you can view the page analytic!!! This tells you exactly how many people interact with your application and social media pages. To promote yourself, get a good bio on this page! It makes wonders! This is My page!

5. Disqus
Disqus enables you to add features that aids in a flexible commenting system. Imagine someone lands on your page from Facebook, they don't have G+ account, it will make things difficult for them and discourage people to make comments. This is especially for G+ users who have enabled the G+ comments on their blogs. There won't be any ways for people besides G+ users to comment on your post. Enable this great feature and import all your old comments into Disqus.

This post will be updated as I discover more useful pages related to the blogging world! Stay tuned!

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Sunday 21 April 2013

Random Stuffs In the Morning

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So as per request, by +Shanique Roca , I thought these random facts are fun, hence I'm posting this up! 

1. Do you have any pets? Had one, died, a hamster :(

2. Name 3 things physically close to you. My laptop, phone, my clothes of course! 

 3. What's the weather like right now? Perfect, windy

4. Do you drive, if so have you crashed? Crashed twice in four years, I still drive

5. What time did you wake up this morning? 10.30 am

6. When was the last time you showered? Yesterday night, that gives you a clue of what happened right after waking up today

7. what was the last movie you saw? Day before yesterday

8. What does your last SMS / text message say. ''K'' .. yeah that short it is

9. What is your ring-tone? Zhor Ka Jhatka

 10. Have you ever been to a different country? I guess maybe Singapore counts?

11. Do you like sushi?  Never tried it.

12. where do you buy your groceries? A small shop close to campus

13. Have you ever taken medication to fall asleep? Nope. 

14. How many Siblings do you have? 2

15. Do you have a desktop or Laptop? Laptop

16. How old will you be on your next birthday? Silver Jubilee

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses

18. Do you color your hair? never

19. Tell me something your planning on doing today? Finishing up all stuffs I failed to do over the weekend

20. When was the last time you cried? Honestly, can't remember

21. What is your perfect pizza topping? anything goes(excluding beef)

22. Which do you prefer Hamburgers or cheese burgers? hate cheese

23. Have you ever had an all nighter? Yeah, not more than 24 hours. 

24. What is your eye color? Black

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? No 

Friday 19 April 2013

Boston Bombing: News Coverage Adds Value To Death?

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I have been called to write my thoughts on this issue as I have been seeing some articles around the internet by some people who have different opinions on the recent incident of the Boston bombing. While some of us feel bad for the horrible act of terrorism in Boston, regardless of what race the victims belong to, some others feel that the world is not considering the death of hundreds of others in other parts of the world as severely as the three victims who died in Boston bombing especially in the Muslim world and this fact has caused an uproar in the society.

Who to blame for? What stand should society take when it comes to terrorism?

While I was organizing my thoughts to write on this entry, I have got a G+ notification from +Shanique Roca in the morning for a post in G+ that closely relates to my discussion that I felt so motivated to write on it.

When I browsed through the post, I never felt like reading any comment as I know it has somehow turned into a racial issue and the comments for the thread kept coming for people choose to talk for their own people. Much to my dismay, I feel the community in Google+ has failed to identify the MESSAGE that the picture in the post was trying to convey. I felt the Syrian community while trying to say that they too encounter a similar situation, is also extending their condolences for Boston. I'm still figuring out what went wrong until the post has caused an uproar among the G+ community itself. 

1) 3 Vs. 300 or even 3000

It is saddening that terrorism is not getting even media coverage worldwide. The world of media and news are more focused on issues pertaining developed countries like the States and this has caused uneasiness among people from Third World Country on the fact that their voices aren't heard off as much as people in Boston or just anywhere else in the world where news about their country reaches the entire world within a couple of hours. I feel this is the root cause of all ill thoughts bedeviling all societies. I feel the amount of death shouldn't be the sole measure of how worthy life is. People fail to realize that even when Boston gets the attention of media, someone somewhere else in the same country is being discriminated against, is being killed just like the way the Syrians are getting killed and it's NOT in the cover of any newspaper. While some issues come to the limelight, some still remain undiscovered. Syria is one of the examples, but there are so many countries sharing the same fate such as Sri Lanka on the issue of brutal mass murder of Indians in Sri Lanka.

2) Prejudices 

It is WRONG to judge every single Muslim you see on the road as a terrorist just because you have heard some of them have taken part in terrorism before. It is also wrong to judge that ALL Americans harbour resentment towards the Muslims and they do bad to the Muslims. I love reading stories from the Middle East and I feel the difficulties living life there and some stories of bold women inspire me a lot. The latest book I read on Middle East is the Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. It is a real-life story portraying an American's effort in building schools for girls in Pakistan in return for the favour the mountain villagers have done for him during his expedition to climb K4. This is an ongoing humanitarian work that received its resources from Americans. Greg was strongly opposed by some fellow countrymen and claimed his work as an act of betrayal to the country when 7/11 incident occurred. While some others applaud his effort and acknowledged the fact that only love can drive hatred away. So while humanitarian works are still being done by part of the Western countries to the ones on the other side of the world, it is not justified to judge a race based on an event alone. 

Maybe someday the world would come the realization that harbouring anger and revenge will not provide eternal solutions to terrorism. Boston and Syria, you are in our prayers! 

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Wednesday 17 April 2013

The Liebster Award.

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I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Shelly. I guess Shelly has been following my blog anonymously(?) and that was really a pleasant surprise for me on that day to see this nomination. We all know these blog awards are mysterious in terms of its origin and it's kind of a motivation given by fellow bloggers. So, to me this just means someone recognizes my writings and they enjoy reading my thoughts and views. 

A Liebster Award is given to showcase smaller blogs who are up and coming, and who have less than 200 followers. This is an award that you accept with the intention of paying it forward. 
The rules for the Liebster Award are simple: 

1. Each blogger should answer the questions the tagger has set for you. 
2. Choose a few new bloggers to pass the award on to and link them in your post. 
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers. 
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award. 
5. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves. 
6. No tag backs! 

Question from Shelly:
1. Where do you live? - Malaysia
2. Do you have any pets? - had one. Sadly it died. :(
3. Do you work outside your home? Where? - Not working yet
4. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
5. If you could travel anywhere, where would you wanna go?  EVERYWHERE
6. One wish? - To live life to the fullest
7. How did you start blogging? Due the drive to convey my thoughts and make an impact. 
8. What do you drive? - No car yet
9. Do you have children and if so how many? Not even married
10. Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years? Successful person as per my definition of success :)

7 stuffs about me:  
  •     I like non-fiction books so much and I get engrossed reading books which story cultures in the Middle East and its women!
  •     I fancy heels a lot and  shoe shop is like a paradise that pulls me towards it like a magnet!
  •     I like engaging in outdoor activities like beach camping and kayaking.
  •     I love doing things which others think it's out of my capabilities and I'm a fan of Charles Darwin's evolution theory.
  •     Hated engineering so much but little did I know I would end up doing Chemical Engineering. I'm loving the twist in life by the way!
  •     4'8'' tall. 
  •     I belonged to Debate Club in my university and I enjoy debating.
Questions to my nominees: 

1. What is your favourite colour?
2. What do you tend to blog about the most? 
3. What's the name of your favorite blog to follow? 
4. What is your favorite food? 
5. What is your favorite thing to do? 
6. Who inspired you to blog? 
7. Where do you eat out the most? 
8. What is the one thing you would change about your layout of your home?  
9.What is one goal for this year? 
10. Pepsi or coke? 

My nominees are: 

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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Like seasons, feelings change!

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That sense of excitement,
stealthily catching a glimpse,                                        
On the one you like,
The one that makes your heart skip a beat,
Is now fading away gradually,
Dull and lifeless.
When cupid makes the wrong aim,
Over again,
The euphoria love arouses,
Is never at the same intensity,
Love doesn't seem enticing,
Dates you remember fades off,
So quickly,
Memories don't evoke tears in your eyes anymore,
Like seasons, feelings change,
And just like seasons,
It takes the right one,
To make you feel the love,
All over again!

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Sunday 14 April 2013

Free or Fair Education?

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The issue of free education has come to the limelight a few months back in Malaysia as the 13th General The election is coming soon next month. It has been something all students have been looking forward to and various political parties have come up with different mandates to attract student voters and fulfill their demands. The demand arises due to the fact that many students are still struggling to clear their student loans and find themselves stuck in the midst of other debts shortly after graduating.

What happens when a student graduates with the burden of student loans? The education fee everywhere varies with your choice of study and university. Courses like medicine and engineering would inevitably cost much more than language studies or management courses. On the other hand, you should pay more when you get enrolled in universities with a high reputation as the value of your certificate and education increases with the quality of the studies they offer. So, at average a student who newly graduates would have to pay an amount of RM 50,000. Apart from that, graduate students face the burden of paying monthly installments for their vehicles and managing monthly expenses such as house rentals.

So, with an average pay of RM 3,000 for fresh graduates, they find it difficult to cope with the ridiculous cost of living while paying off their debts. Hence, the demand for free education has arisen. How important free education is and what expenses will it be implemented? Many countries in the European Union which provide free education tax their citizens on other fees like registration and administration.

What can be done to ease graduate students’ burden? What really matters in an education system? I’m a student with some amount of education loan to face after my graduation and I feel free education is not the issue that should top the priority of lawmakers and students. I feel that by enlarging the duration for loan payback and demolishing the interest taxed on student loans, students should be able to settle their debts after having a well-established job.

While free education is an idea to be celebrated, I feel fair education should be the focal point of lawmakers and those in the education sector. Fair education is still a dream that never came true for many people all over the world. Discrimination is education still prevails through various forms such as race and gender. For women in the Middle East, getting a balanced and fair education like their brothers is still a struggle and a dream seems impossible. While in some other countries, chances to pursue higher education are brighter for students of a particular race and religion which dampen the spirit of other students who have done equally well in studies. Worse still, education is a privilege for the rich when the poor suffer from extreme poverty. Discrimination against gender, race, skin colour and religion when it comes to education has to come to an end. Only then a country will truly flourish and the best brains of a nation can emerge champions to serve the people better. After all, everyone is entitled to have the opportunity to learn. So, what difference can it make when we neglect fair education and fight for free education instead? 

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Saturday 13 April 2013

Your Instinct IS Smarter Than You!

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This is based on my personal experience! I believe everyone else has gone through something similar. But, just to highlight some things I feel about instinct and how it could always save you from trouble by LISTENING to it. When does your instinct get stronger, when will it fade?

Instinct is a complex human behaviour. Have you ever felt very uneasy while leaving your house to work, like something is holding you back and tells you not to go? You ignore the feelings and make yourself feel better by telling yourself it's nothing only to find out that it was meant as a hint or warning for a road disaster that's yet to happen. 

Instinct is heavily based on experience! What does a fisherman's instinct say when he sees a school of fishes lying dead by the beach? It triggers a tsunami warning. When someone says you need experience in a field where you work in when you apply for a job, it means that things you pick up by seeing, hearing, and doing are as equally important as your theoretical knowledge. In engineering, your logic and intuition should work at its best to make predictions. 

So, getting back to what I wanted to discuss. I personally feel instinct helps you to avoid a lot of mess in life, only if you give a chance to your inner voice to rise. Your instinct speaks on almost everything you do and perhaps that's a sign of someone being alive. Your inner voice would tell you what's right and what's wrong. It would suggest that something isn't going the right way and you may want to double-check on it. When I listen or pay heed to what my instinct says, I was always on the right track and it saves my life most of the time from miseries. There was a point in my life when I was approached by a group of senior girls in my school and I never felt good about them that I instantly knew I would get into trouble if I talk to them any longer. I was right. They were a bunch of problematic students!

Your inner voice speaks at different intensity. When you choose to listen to it, it speaks for you all the time and it speaks louder as you decide to search for it. When you ignore it, the voice fades of sooner or later that you feel it doesn't alert you on anything anymore. You tend to do the wrong thing and get swayed from your track. When you get involved in wrong activities, your instinct would instantly alert you that it's not right, you take a second to digest and accept that fact but the next minute when you decide to ignore it, your inner voice fades and it stops giving alerts. You continue having fun in the road taken until something really bad hits you then you wake up from your so-called sweet phase and analyze what went wrong. You realize that you have failed your instinct and hence comes all the mess! 

I guess everyone should start analyzing what they feel about something and take their time to learn what it tries to imply. If you genuinely feel good about what you are doing, then you are probably on the right track. What does your instinct say now? My instinct says I should stop rambling and get back to work! 

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