Showing posts with label equality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label equality. Show all posts

Monday 6 May 2013

Democracy Is Dying!!

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Democracy is Dying!

We are all mourning the death of democracy at our country. We are frustrated and deeply irritated by the fact that there were fraudulent during our election. Despite all these anger and outrages, what we have learned from GE 13 are:

1) We are UNITED
For some reason now, we are all united, we are against the ruling government not because of racial intolerance. We have stood together, Malay, Chinese and Indian, to VOICE our opinion out. That is the real victory.

2)  We are GETTING there
We have come this far against the cronies. We have shown improvement for the CHANGE. We broke the majority votes the ruling government had. Despite the Bangla illegal voters and frauds, we still did make a change!

3) Voice out for YOURSELVES
The government is not going to help you if you don't help yourself. This election has wakened up more citizens. 85% of people came out to cast their votes. This means the level of awareness has been drastically increased. YOU as an individual should make the CHANGE

4) Say NO to racism
We have learned to say no to racism! We have learned that we shouldn't give in to the racial sparks. This is the real victory.

What we can should do more:

1) Check your voting STATUS
Many were fooled during the last minute as they realized they were not listed among the voters' list. My friend is one of them. He has voted before so he has not checked as his name should be registered, logically. So don't give in to these acts of fraudulent. Check your names against 6 months earlier at least.

2) Get everyone to register as VOTERS
I'm not sure how much effect does this post of mine going to impose, some of you may remember, some of you not. The best thing to do for yourself and family is to get all your family members who are 21 and above to register as voters and vote

3) Don't quit VOTING
My father and grandparents who were voters for so many years did not complain much or said they are not going to vote. So all the first time voters and young voters, continue voting. You will make the MAGIC one day!

4) Support the PROTEST
Support the NGO's who are protesting against the EC for a fair election and cleaner Malaysia as a whole. Show your support by educating people around you on what they are supposed to know.

5) Don't be a FOOL
If you are someone who is afraid of voting against the government, this message goes to you. No one would catch you and put you behind the bars for exercising your rights. Stop being the world-class fool!

6) Be EC Election Agents
For those who could do this, you ought to be the EC watching agents on the day of polling! I guess that would increase transparency. Have more people of all races join in for this.

Last but not least, life has to go on. This is our country. You can't run away and live in another place when you can't fight for your rights here, the place where you were born. I applaud the actions of the public chasing the phantom voters away! That was mind-blowing!

Love you Malaysia!

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Friday 3 May 2013

What Choice Of Study Makes You More Educated?

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When a child is born, or perhaps even before a child is born, parents would have a lot of expectations and plan for the child. That includes education and the school they would want to enroll their child to. Now, the trend in educating children has always been focused on fields like medicine, engineering, and law. Why? Because parents believe that these are the only fields that would make their children successful.

I feel the urge to write on this issue particularly because of the perception people have towards education in my society. I believe this is also a common scenario in many other places around the world. So to narrow down the issue I'm talking about, I would paint a picture for you to imagine what's going on in my society. When I was in school, all the way from the age of 7 until I passed high school, my only dream was to be a doctor. And every other student's dream was also to be a doctor. From families to friends' families, producing a doctor was a dream back then. My parents were told that I'm a bright child and could do well to become a doctor. That's how I thought to be successful is to be a doctor. I held on to this dream of mine so tightly until the point where I failed to secure a scholarship for it due to screwed-up bias government and its policies (we are all going to put an end to this in the coming general election which is a few hours away from NOW).

Having failed to snatch a place for my scholarship, I told myself it's time to decide on life and how life should be like. I pursued A Level which is called STPM in Malaysia and secured a place for Chemical Engineering. I took the offer, telling myself that I need a challenge in life to steer away from what I thought I ought to be, to something I never opted for as a choice of study. I never kept engineering as an option in my entire life. While some of us took what came our way, some students still insisted on becoming a doctor and went on to study abroad with their father's hard earn money. I felt I wouldn't need to prove myself successful in the future just by securing a job that is thought to be successful. I told myself, I define what success is and not let my profession do the work for me.

Much to my dismay, parents of the kids who are doctors look down upon families who fail to produce doctors. These pathetic families include family friends and also relatives who ridiculously think they have succeeded in producing doctors. They could even say that any other jobs apart from those related to the medical field do not guarantee a good future and secure job. Among the Indian society anywhere in the world, it's so common to see at least one child being a doctor. While it's notable that India and Indians produce good doctors, I think it's time to open their small brains and minds up to accept the fact that being a doctor and being successful are two different things!

There are also parents who force their will against their children's will. I had a friend who went on to be a doctor as both their parents are doctors and my friend had to be the one succeeding in their business. In one other scenario, all three children pursued medicine as the father was in the medical line. Seriously, what are we trying to achieve or portray through this? We are just merely limiting our skills and talents in other fields and studies. Parents fail to see that one can be a writer, singer, or politician and still be good at what he/she does. Why this prejudice on people based on the profession? I feel so sorry for you if you are one of the families I'm talking about because I just feel your small brains are all closed up and think pathetically.

On the other hand, well-to-do families send their children to do this course, whether or not they are capable of doing or if they meet the criteria of being a doctor. What matters here is money and it speaks louder than anything else! Most of the students finding their way to do medicine are just not sure of what secures their future and thus choose to do medicine as it is thought to be lifting their torn images up.

I would rather be someone who does a course apart from medicine and still be successful to be a living proof for what I preach. To me, a successful person is someone who lives life in her/his own way and makes the most out of his/her talents and not just clinging onto the reputation a job gives. I'm REALLY glad I swayed away from the common notion of success the society held and challenged myself to be different from them. A successful person is meant to be successful no matter what he/she does. 

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Friday 26 April 2013

Traits of An Ass - The Male Chauvinist

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Look at the picture, look at the comment

I'm dedicating this blog post to fellow blogger and friend +Arunesh Dwivedi for coming up with his own thoughts on the same picture and comments I'm discussing. His blog post can be viewed here

Why wouldn't I get furious? Why wouldn't I feel like bashing someone up? I happened to see this beautiful picture with very deep meaning, that is not suggesting anything obscene, a picture which I thought worth sharing for its message but upon reading the comments I have decided to share this on my blog post to convey my own message!

That old man, yes, the one who brilliantly related this picture to male orgasm out of the blue! I went to check his profile out! What I saw was nothing but his blog posts which he shared on his page (which wasn't entertained by anyone anyway). A blog dedicated to show the world how filthy his mind could be and how disrespectful he is towards women! 

Now, we all have access to adult jokes and we do come across them every now and then. But, relating a picture like this to sexuality is an act of an ass! There is a need to draw a limit to everything and this man has clearly swayed from the limit of addressing something to sexual jokes! The never-ending rape cases and violence against women are a result of people with sick mentalities like this. Why?

1. Objectifying Women

    Men like that Mr. Malhotra take women merely as an object, purely to satisfy their uncontrollable sexual pleasure. Just like greed and jealousy, when one fails to control his/her emotions, identify and analyze what is taking control over him/her, he/she falls prey to the play of the mind and feelings! When someone gets engrossed in sexual issues, they fail to see a woman as a human being. Excessive sexuality would undeniably lead to unhealthy communication with people around you and that's when women are objectified! Their eyes go beyond face while talking to women and all they do is to check out on women's physical attributes. Ask them why, they say men are like that, they tend to be so! The plain trait of a male chauvinist! 

2. Man As The Superior Sex

    While glancing through his page, I found a post with its title suggesting young women marrying older men for money! This purely suggests that men like him having a cheap perception on women, that women can be bought and they are something that can be owned! Men like Malhotra can never respect another woman or treat her with equality. He can never do justice neither to his family nor his wife! They are always in a pathetic perception that men could treat ladies anyway they want and it's the women's responsibility to uphold their dignity and safeguard themselves! 

3. Ignoring Violence Against Women

    Today, I read two articles relating to India. One man called a minister was saying that women get raped because they act in such a suggestive manner. Another news is about a 14-year-old boy raping a 6-year-old girl in Dehli. I feel both this news is closely related to the issue I'm discussing now. When men like Malhotra become ministers, these are the news you could expect to hear on a daily basis. The family of the 5-year-old kid who got raped was given some amount of money to close the case down by the police force. People like these are the root cause of the evil bedeviling the society and corrupting them to the extent that women seem to be the second sex forever in the eye of the world! 

To those who think it's okay to harm a kid for your male orgasm, I suggest you dig a hole and shove your thing inside! Let the innocent child alone unharmed!

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Friday 19 April 2013

Boston Bombing: News Coverage Adds Value To Death?

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I have been called to write my thoughts on this issue as I have been seeing some articles around the internet by some people who have different opinions on the recent incident of the Boston bombing. While some of us feel bad for the horrible act of terrorism in Boston, regardless of what race the victims belong to, some others feel that the world is not considering the death of hundreds of others in other parts of the world as severely as the three victims who died in Boston bombing especially in the Muslim world and this fact has caused an uproar in the society.

Who to blame for? What stand should society take when it comes to terrorism?

While I was organizing my thoughts to write on this entry, I have got a G+ notification from +Shanique Roca in the morning for a post in G+ that closely relates to my discussion that I felt so motivated to write on it.

When I browsed through the post, I never felt like reading any comment as I know it has somehow turned into a racial issue and the comments for the thread kept coming for people choose to talk for their own people. Much to my dismay, I feel the community in Google+ has failed to identify the MESSAGE that the picture in the post was trying to convey. I felt the Syrian community while trying to say that they too encounter a similar situation, is also extending their condolences for Boston. I'm still figuring out what went wrong until the post has caused an uproar among the G+ community itself. 

1) 3 Vs. 300 or even 3000

It is saddening that terrorism is not getting even media coverage worldwide. The world of media and news are more focused on issues pertaining developed countries like the States and this has caused uneasiness among people from Third World Country on the fact that their voices aren't heard off as much as people in Boston or just anywhere else in the world where news about their country reaches the entire world within a couple of hours. I feel this is the root cause of all ill thoughts bedeviling all societies. I feel the amount of death shouldn't be the sole measure of how worthy life is. People fail to realize that even when Boston gets the attention of media, someone somewhere else in the same country is being discriminated against, is being killed just like the way the Syrians are getting killed and it's NOT in the cover of any newspaper. While some issues come to the limelight, some still remain undiscovered. Syria is one of the examples, but there are so many countries sharing the same fate such as Sri Lanka on the issue of brutal mass murder of Indians in Sri Lanka.

2) Prejudices 

It is WRONG to judge every single Muslim you see on the road as a terrorist just because you have heard some of them have taken part in terrorism before. It is also wrong to judge that ALL Americans harbour resentment towards the Muslims and they do bad to the Muslims. I love reading stories from the Middle East and I feel the difficulties living life there and some stories of bold women inspire me a lot. The latest book I read on Middle East is the Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. It is a real-life story portraying an American's effort in building schools for girls in Pakistan in return for the favour the mountain villagers have done for him during his expedition to climb K4. This is an ongoing humanitarian work that received its resources from Americans. Greg was strongly opposed by some fellow countrymen and claimed his work as an act of betrayal to the country when 7/11 incident occurred. While some others applaud his effort and acknowledged the fact that only love can drive hatred away. So while humanitarian works are still being done by part of the Western countries to the ones on the other side of the world, it is not justified to judge a race based on an event alone. 

Maybe someday the world would come the realization that harbouring anger and revenge will not provide eternal solutions to terrorism. Boston and Syria, you are in our prayers! 

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Sunday 14 April 2013

Free or Fair Education?

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The issue of free education has come to the limelight a few months back in Malaysia as the 13th General The election is coming soon next month. It has been something all students have been looking forward to and various political parties have come up with different mandates to attract student voters and fulfill their demands. The demand arises due to the fact that many students are still struggling to clear their student loans and find themselves stuck in the midst of other debts shortly after graduating.

What happens when a student graduates with the burden of student loans? The education fee everywhere varies with your choice of study and university. Courses like medicine and engineering would inevitably cost much more than language studies or management courses. On the other hand, you should pay more when you get enrolled in universities with a high reputation as the value of your certificate and education increases with the quality of the studies they offer. So, at average a student who newly graduates would have to pay an amount of RM 50,000. Apart from that, graduate students face the burden of paying monthly installments for their vehicles and managing monthly expenses such as house rentals.

So, with an average pay of RM 3,000 for fresh graduates, they find it difficult to cope with the ridiculous cost of living while paying off their debts. Hence, the demand for free education has arisen. How important free education is and what expenses will it be implemented? Many countries in the European Union which provide free education tax their citizens on other fees like registration and administration.

What can be done to ease graduate students’ burden? What really matters in an education system? I’m a student with some amount of education loan to face after my graduation and I feel free education is not the issue that should top the priority of lawmakers and students. I feel that by enlarging the duration for loan payback and demolishing the interest taxed on student loans, students should be able to settle their debts after having a well-established job.

While free education is an idea to be celebrated, I feel fair education should be the focal point of lawmakers and those in the education sector. Fair education is still a dream that never came true for many people all over the world. Discrimination is education still prevails through various forms such as race and gender. For women in the Middle East, getting a balanced and fair education like their brothers is still a struggle and a dream seems impossible. While in some other countries, chances to pursue higher education are brighter for students of a particular race and religion which dampen the spirit of other students who have done equally well in studies. Worse still, education is a privilege for the rich when the poor suffer from extreme poverty. Discrimination against gender, race, skin colour and religion when it comes to education has to come to an end. Only then a country will truly flourish and the best brains of a nation can emerge champions to serve the people better. After all, everyone is entitled to have the opportunity to learn. So, what difference can it make when we neglect fair education and fight for free education instead? 

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Tuesday 12 March 2013

Are Women Really Celebrated?

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        Women's day on March 8th, another special day to appreciate women for all the roles they take in our lives, a day to express gratitude for their sacrifices made to shape our lives, and a day to acknowledge the abilities and achievements of womenfolk! But are they standing tall in all societies around the globe? Are women being given the same approval for their contributions everywhere? Are they really being celebrated?

      Men are men and they are treated the same way everywhere. But, the lives of women vary from one country to another. We all know that women have made a lot of contributions towards the progress of a nation and there are more to come. Yet, that's not all to show the transition of women's role from a house-maker to a ruler. While some ladies are enjoying the privilege of living life they want, millions of others are still being suppressed as the weaker sex all over the world. So what does this celebration of Women's Day for? 

        India has woken us all up with the gruesome incident that took an innocent girl's life away. One point that has to be taken into attention is the fact that the particular rape case was just an incident that could not escape the media's watchful eyes and hence became an issue, drawing attention worldwide. Even while this case was heavily debated and condemned, there were and still are men who are preying on women of all ages for their pathetic sexual satisfaction. What is saddening here is the series of similar unfortunate events that follow after the Dehli Gang-Rape serves as proof that the pressure of various organizations and demonstrations are NOT going to change these animals into men. 

Are Women Celebrated?

         Segregation and injustice towards womenfolk take place in various forms and it happens most in the labor market. While in some nations women and men are treated equally, for instance, when I applied for a job opportunity for Shell, I noticed residence of Australia are not required to state their gender as this is a part of its policy to uphold equality, in some other places, employers are heavily bias and job opportunities are offered for males first. The ability of women and the importance of acknowledging their potentials are never being realized. Education is the key to change society and I believe educating women makes the effect significant as they raise their children who shape society later. 

         I believe as women take their role to be a mother, they should ALWAYS raise their sons to be respecting women and instill the value of gender equality so that ladies are not just viewed as second sex and sex objects but as a creation of God who is capable of anything that can be done by men in general. Again, women have the power to change how they are treated. It's all in our hands. ! Only then, women will be truly celebrated and there won't be a need to have a day dedicated just for us Women.

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